

A red triangle pointing upwards is centered within a larger white triangle against a dark background.


Real Estate
Large modern resort with multiple levels, featuring outdoor swimming pools, palm trees, and lounge chairs at dusk.

Lines of Coverage

At Commercial Insurance Solutions, we understand that protecting your operations and entities is a top priority. Whether you’re a property owner or a Property Management Firm, we offer a comprehensive range of coverage options tailored to your specific needs. We understand that your needs differ if you have only physical assets, physical assets and employees, or if you have investors.

No matter what level of coverage you need, our team will help you select the best coverage for your property and your company. Our commitment is to educate and guide you in choosing the right insurance solutions to secure your business. Let’s discuss your unique needs to ensure comprehensive coverage that suits your operations.

Lines of Coverage

At Commercial Insurance Solutions, we understand that protecting your operations and entities is a top priority. Whether you’re a property owner or a Property Management Firm, we offer a comprehensive range of coverage options tailored to your specific needs. We understand that your needs differ if you have only physical assets, physical assets and employees, or if you have investors.

No matter what level of coverage you need, our team will help you select the best coverage for your property and your company. Our commitment is to educate and guide you in choosing the right insurance solutions to secure your business. Let’s discuss your unique needs to ensure comprehensive coverage that suits your operations.

Primary Coverage

In the dynamic world of hospitality, risk management is paramount. Our hospitality real estate coverage is meticulously crafted to meet the specific challenges faced by hoteliers and lodging property owners. Whether it’s protecting against unforeseen liabilities or ensuring the safety of your guests, Commercial Insurance Solutions is your trusted partner in securing the success of your hospitality ventures.
An insurance policy for businesses and other organizations that insures against damage to their buildings and contents due to a covered cause of loss, such as a fire. The policy may also cover loss of income or increase in expenses that results from the property damage (PD). Commercial property policies may be written on standard or nonstandard forms.

A standard insurance policy issued to business organizations to protect them against liability claims for bodily injury (BI) and property damage (PD) arising out of premises, operations, products, and completed operations; and advertising and personal injury (PI) liability. The CGL policy was introduced in 1986 and replaced the “comprehensive” general liability policy.

A policy designed to provide protection against catastrophic losses. It generally is written over various primary liability policies, such as the business auto policy (BAP), commercial general liability (CGL) policy, watercraft and aircraft liability policies, and employers liability coverage. The umbrella policy serves three purposes: it provides excess limits when the limits of underlying liability policies are exhausted by the payment of claims; it drops down and picks up where the underlying policy leaves off when the aggregate limit of the underlying policy in question is exhausted by the payment of claims; and it provides protection against some claims not covered by the underlying policies, subject to the assumption by the named insured of a self-insured retention (SIR).

A commercial auto policy that includes auto liability and auto physical damage coverages; other coverages are available by endorsement.

A property insurance policy that is designed to cover property in the course of construction. There is no single standard builders risk form; most builders risk policies are written on inland marine (rather than commercial property) forms. Coverage is usually written on an all risks basis and typically applies not only to property at the construction site, but also to property at off-site storage locations and in transit. Builders risk insurance can be written on either a completed value or a reporting form basis; in either case, the estimated completed value of the project is used as the limit of insurance.

A policy used to reduce the specific deductible provided in a Commercial Property Policy.

A Commercial Property Policy written specifically on the wind/hail exposure, typically in areas  with higher probability of damage.
Increasingly replacing traditional boiler and machinery (BM) insurance, in part simply because the title is more descriptive of the coverage provided. Also, today’s equipment breakdown policies typically provide slightly broader coverage than traditional BM policies, and they usually do not use the specialized terminology found in traditional BM policies.
A specialized insurance policy that covers liability and sometimes cleanup costs associated with pollution.

A commercial crime policy is a crime insurance policy that is designed to meet the needs of organizations other than financial institutions (such as banks).

The extortion expense coverage found in some professional liability technology policies covers the insured for reasonable and necessary expenses incurred as a result of a network extortion threat.

Directors and officers liability insurance is a type of liability insurance covering directors and officers for claims made against them while serving on a board of directors and/or as an officer.

Third-party employment practices liability coverage refers to a separate insuring agreement contained within employment practices liability insurance (EPLI) policies that covers liability claims brought by nonemployees (typically, customers, clients, and vendors) against employees of the insured organization.

Worker’s Compensation -The Alternative Assessment Procedure (AAP) is a special agreement between the Canadian provincial workers compensation funds that provides trucking companies with an optional assessment program that simplifies the reporting of payrolls and payment of premium in the various jurisdictions.

Associate in Fidelity and Surety Bonding (AFSB) is a professional designation awarded by The Institutes upon successful completion of five national exams, three of which are designed specifically for this program and two of which are Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU) exams.

Secondary Coverage

At Commercial Insurance Solutions (CIS), our commitment to safeguarding your interests goes beyond the standard. We understand that comprehensive insurance means addressing a wide spectrum of potential risks. That’s why we offer an array of secondary coverage options designed to cater to the unique and ever-evolving needs of your business.
  • Employee Benefits
  • Executive Travel Accident
  • Fiduciary Liability
  • Foreign Liability
  • Inland Marine & Ocean Cargo
  • Kidnap & Ransom
  • Occupational Accident
  • Special Events
  • Representations & Warranty Insurance
  • Warehouse Legal Liability
  • Workplace Violence
Case Study

Kevin Timmons and CIS has been our agent for over 5 years. I am very satisfied with our relationship and all the steps they take to ensure our insurance is properly placed. CIS is very well organized and makes our insurance easy to manage, even though we have more than 125 hotels in our portfolio. They are trustworthy and helpful during the policy term with claims management and loss control services. We look forward to working with CIS for many years to come.

– Jack
We understand that NOI is a key metric and anything we can do to positively influence NOI improves the assets’ performance and, ultimately, its value. Linearly relative to annual operating performance and exponentially relative to the Cap rate of a disposition of the asset.
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