
Community Support

At CIS, we are and support L.I.F.E. – Leaders in Faith & Education.

We are truly blessed by the loyalty, support and partnership of our clients and business partners. That’s why we pay it forward through leading, serving and giving to our communities both locally and internationally. CIS employees enjoy serving others as a group as well as individually throughout the year.

Supporting Our Communities…
Serving and Educating the Less Fortunate…
Providing For the Health & Healing of Others…
Please contact Ray Deaton if you would like to join in serving & giving to any of the above foundations that are special to us at CIS.

Local Support

Cristo Rey Dallas College Prep is a Catholic, college preparatory school for students from households of low to moderate income. Cristo Rey Dallas nurtures and challenges young women and men of all faiths to recognize and realize their full potential as they grow to love God, respect others and serve their community. Each student participates in the Corporate Work Study Program which offers a weekly work study experience for all four years. CIS is fortunate to work with Cristo Rey as an intern placement business.
North Texas Giving Day is an online giving event for people across the nation (and the world!) to come together to raise as much money as possible for North Texas nonprofits on one day. CIS embraces this opportunity to participate as individuals and as an entity to support the causes that are important to growing our community in a supportive and healthy way.
Austin Street Center provides safe shelter and meets the basic needs of the most vulnerable homeless.
People caring for people, families serving families, companies impacting communities.

Our intent is to lay the foundation emotionally and physically to ensure that PTSD does not claim another victim on our watch.

The Master Cares exists to provide the hope that God promises to the poor through aid that goes beyond traditional means. We seek to come alongside the people of Africa as they strive to lift themselves out of their desperate situation.
Marfan syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects the body’s connective tissue. Connective tissue helps to hold the body’s cells, organs, and tissues together and also helps to control how the body grows and develops.
TLC is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to improve case outcomes for abused and neglected children by enhancing the quality of legal services they receive. The most important decisions about an abused or neglected child’s future are made in court. TLC exists to help ensure that those decisions are the best possible for the child.

Bonton Farms transforms lives by disrupting systems of inequity, laying a foundation where change yields health, wholeness and opportunity as the norm.

DIRECTION61:3 is a faith-based organization purposed with helping youth transition from foster care into society as thriving adults.

Our mission is to provide clean, safe, drinking water and the Living Water to families living in under-resourced areas around the world. We give away long-lasting water filters and share the gospel in communities afflicted by clean water scarcity and spiritual darkness.

The Feed Store exists for the purpose of “feeding” youth both physically and spiritually. Created as a non-denominational youth mission, The Feed Store strives to be a place where the youth of Albany, as well as surrounding areas, can come and be nourished by the Word of God.

Connecting neighbors to neighbors, engaging people with nature, and restoring life-giving habitats.